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- How to install R.O.M on alternative devices
- How to install R.O.M with the C= Installer-tool :
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Just double-klick the 'Install'-icon and wait what's going on the
- screen. If there pops up a requester which shows you, that there's no
- 'INSTALLER' found, you must change the default-tool of the 'Install'-Icon
- to the corect file...
- And without the Installer ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ok, you must create a new directory on your device and copy the
- file 'ROM_2' with the icon ('ROM_2.info') in this directory. Create a
- sub-directory called 'DATAS/' and copy all those 'MAGAZIN_xx.rom' files
- from every disk in this sub-directory (xx stands for a number)... This
- should look like this...
- <DirName>
- MAGAZIN_00.rom
- MAGAZIN_01.rom
- MAGAZIN_02.rom
- ROM_2
- ROM_2.info
- At last you must change the tool-types of the DiskMag-icon. There
- should be a line like "MAGAZIN=<something>". Put this into brackets (like
- "(MAGAZIN=<something>)").. So the data-files will be loaded corectly...
- NOTE :
- ~~~~~~
- You can copy the data-files where ever you want them too, but you
- must give a new 'file-template' to the diskmag-code! The build in
- file-template is "DATAS/MAGAZIN_%2d.rom". If you want the data-files in
- the same directory, the file-template should be "MAGAZIN_%2d.rom". This
- new file-template can be given as an argument in the CLI (like : "ROM
- MAGAZIN_%2d.rom"), or you can insert the tool-type "MAGAZIN=" in the
- tool-type-list (like "MAGAZIN=MAGAZIN_%2d.rom")...
- BUGS :
- ~~~~~~
- Sorry, but there can be problems with harddrives... If they are
- installed to the system with a priority lower than 5, R.O.M will go to an
- endless-loop. If you try e.g to install it under Kick1.3 on a
- Multievolution-controlled-HD, you can't start it! Sorry, but no time to
- fix this...